So far I've spent over twelve hundred hours in SFM alone making the first two episodes of Half-Life - something I never really expected to happen. After humming and hah-ing about it for a while I decided to take the plunge. It's been recommended to me numerous times, both via comment sections and by people I've spoken face to face with about this project, that I get on board with Patreon. I also mentioned that I would elaborate in a blog post, so here we are. You may have noticed that a couple of days ago I uploaded a video in which I sat in front of the camera and stumbled over my words about setting up a Patreon account to help continue making this series. Pictured: This generation's Simon and Garfunkel. I also made the mistake of starting Dark Souls for the first time recently, and anyone who has played Dark Souls knows exactly what I'm talking about when I use the term 'time sink'. So first off I'd like to apologise for the delays in getting Unforeseen Consequences out there - I'm dealing with some unforeseen consequences myself at the moment and things have slowed down a bit.